Monday, June 11, 2012

Mainly um putting the word out their, through my eye's.
 everybody  walk ain't the same, but if u r a christian your road will 
 lead u to God. this walk, is a walk of Faith.. nothing else! these blog's  
 express my walk on my road with God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is so true.even when some ppl feel that the walk of faith is a scary road to walk,you shouldn't be afraid.if you take refuge in the lord,he will shelter you through hard times.i know from experience.and i matter how many trials and tribulations you face,He and by he i mean God,he'll never turn your back on you.God catches you when you fall.God is there when your back is up against the wall.and when you need help,he'll always be the one to answer your calls,amen.your blog is so beautiful