Solomon loved many foreign woman besides Pharaoh's daughter, he married woman from moab, ammon, edom, sidon, and from among the Hittites. now the Lord clearly told his people not to intermarry with those nation's because the woman they married would lead them worship their God's.
Yet Solomon insisted on Loving them anyway. and sure enough they lead his heart away from the Lord.
The bible speak's of being equally Yoked.
So why do the Godly Love the un-Godly?
Here's what i think, i think we are being fooled.
We think we can make a difference in their life, draw them to God, love does cover sin so by loving them enough we will draw them to God, share the love that God has given us with hopes they may see the giver of love instead of us. but in the end it only leaves a negative impact on us.
Love was never ment to be a fight, but with the un-Godly it's a war. in the middle of the battle it's not about love anymore.
It's one truth we fail to see if you not controled by the holy spirit their's only one other spirit you can be control by.
We must keep in mind Christ came to set the captive free, it's not a job for you or for me.

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